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100 Vocabulary Words With Meaning, Synonyms, And Antonyms PDF Download

100 Vocabulary Words With Meaning, Synonyms, And Antonyms

We will discuss 100 Vocabulary Words With Meaning, Synonyms, And Antonyms Many vocabulary words have a certain meaning, are interchangeable with certain other words, or have something which is almost the opposite. However, there are vocabulary words that do not and it is good to know the correct meaning because it shows that you are a more well-spoken person. It will discuss the different ways that you can improve your vocabulary and it will also look at different tools that can help you too. It will include lists of vocabulary words with meanings, synonyms, and antonyms.

List Of Words With Meaning, Synonyms, and Antonyms

In English, there are many words that have multiple meanings. Likewise, there are many words that do not have definitions; instead, they have synonyms that have the same meaning. Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. In this article, you will find English words that have multiple meanings, as well as English words that have synonyms and antonyms.

Meaning, synonyms, and antonyms of 1OO’s most important vocabulary words

In this article, I’m going to share with you my personal list of the 100 most important vocabulary words. The words I have chosen are the most important ones from the point of view of understanding the language, the culture, and the mindset. If you’re a beginner and you’re interested in learning English,  I recommend that you learn the following words as soon as possible. I’ve also included their vocabulary words with meanings, synonyms, and antonyms. I hope you find these words useful.

List of 100 English Synonyms & Antonyms

here is the List of 400 English Synonyms & Antonyms.

Words Synonyms Meanings Antonyms Meanings
Charm attraction چاشنی Repulsive قابل نفرت
Dune Mound ٹیلہ Plain ہموار
Dazzling Blurring خیرہ کرنا Boring غیر دلکش
Tropical Verry hot گرم Cold ٹھنڈا
Excite Activate تحریک دینا Bored بے کیف کرنا
Held Conducted منعقد کرنا Cancel منسوخ کرنا
Narrate State بیان کرنا Unstated خاموش رہنا
Recite Read پڑھنا Be quiet خاموش رہنا
Wonder Awesome حیرت Appeal کشش
Verge Edge کنارہ Center مرکز
Chaos Anarchy انتشار Order ترتیب
Grow Flourish ترقی کرنا Stop رکنا
Faith Belief ایمان Mistrust بے اعتقادی
Spend Expand گزارنا Save بچانا
Solitude Separation تنہائی Company محفل
Retire Resort چلے جانا Join آنا
Overflow Shower بھرا ہوا Empty خالی
Profound Deep گہرا Superficial سطحی
Pressing Intense شدید Slight سطحی
Urge Desire خواہش Neglect نظر اندازی
Eradicate Remove ختم کرنا Attach منسلک کرنا
Belief Notion اعتقاد Disbelief بے اعتقادی
Evil Vice برائی Virtue نیکی
Cruelty Oppression ظلم Mercy رحم

List of 400 English Synonyms & Antonyms

Words Synonyms Meanings Antonyms Meanings
Bestow Endow عطا کرنا Snatch چھیننا
Convey Give دینا Receive حاصل کرنا
Create Generate پیدا کرنا Stop روکنا
Clot Lump لوتھڑا Liquid مائع
Bountiful Kind فیاض Cruel ظلم
Congealed Curdled جما  ہوا Liquid مائع
Divine Heavenly الہامی Worldly دنیاوی
Proclaim Declare دعوی کرنا Conceal چھپانا
Unity Entity وحدت Disunity انتشار
Mission Motto خاص مقصد Decode بے مقصد
Nexus Bond بندھن Disconnect توڑنا
Bliss Delight خوشی Grief غؐم
Threaten Warning دھمکی دینا Favor حمایت کرنا
Mount Increase بڑھانا Dismount کم کرنا
Restrain Stop روکنا Move آگے بڑھنا
Dilemma Confusion الجھن Fact حقیقت
Abandon Give up ترک کردینا Start شروع کرنا
Perish Die مرجانا Survive زندہ رہنا
Firm Staunch مضبوط Loose کمزور
Forsake Desert چھوڑجانا Continue جاری رکھنا
Imbued Infused سرشار ہوکر Discarded ترک کرنا
Dignity Grace عظمت Indignity بےوقاری
Domain Field شعبہ Open کھلا
Influential Important متاثر کن Passive بےاثر

Vocabulary Words With Meaning, Synonyms And Antonyms PDF Download

Words Synonyms Meanings Antonyms Meanings
Ethical Proper درست Degrading ذلت آمیز
Owe Obliged ممنون Ungrateful ناشکرا
Savior Rescuer نجات دہندہ Killer قاتل
Witness Testifier گواہی دینے والا Negator نفی کنندہ
Devotion Loyalty وفاداری Apathy نفرت
Patriot Loyal محب وطن Traitor باغی
Willing Ready تیار Unwilling ناراضگی
Sacrifice Offer قربان کرنا Selfishness خود غرض
Courage Bravery حوصلہ Cowardice بزدلی
Safeguard Protect حفاظت کرنا Overlook نظرانداز کرنا
Render Present پیش کرنا Take پیش
Builder Make معمار Demolisher تباہ کرنے والا
Galvanized Arouse متحرک کرنا Uninspired غیر متحرک کرنا
Foreign Alien بیرونی Local مقامی
Invasion Attack حملہ With drawl واپسی
Embrace Accept نوش فرمانا Reject مسترد کرنا
Martyrdom Killed شہادت Profanity بے حرمتی
Devoid Empty محروم Blessed نوازہ ہوا
Native Local آبائی Foreigner بیرونی
Eagerly Ardently شوق سے Hatefully نفرت سے
Usual Regular معمول Unusual غیر معمول
Tutorial Individual خاص Igno rial نظراندازی والا
Geared Ready تیار Unprepared غیر تیار
Nod Signal اشارہ کرنا Reject رد کرنا

Vocabulary Words With Meaning, Synonyms And Antonyms PDF Download

Words Synonyms Meanings Antonyms Meanings
Impact Impression اثر Foundation بنیاد
Include Comprise شامل ہونا Negate نفی کرنا
Generally Normally عام طور پر Rarely بہت کم
Agree Accede متفق Disagree غیر متفق
Add Include اضافہ کرنا Subtract تفریق کرنا
Express Tell بیان کرنا Unstate بیان نہ  کرنا
Entertain Amuse تفریح کرنا Bore اکتادینا
Global Universal عالم گیر Local مقامی
Addiction Craving نشہ کرنا Irregular بے قاعدہ
Vigilant Alert ہوشیار Lazy سست
Integral Essential ناگزیر Fragmented جدا جدا
Sum up Close سمیٹنا Explain وضاحت کرنا
Furious Enraged غضبناک ہونا Pleased خوش
Huge Big بڑا Small چھوٹا
Bounty Bonus عطیہ Fine جرمانہ
Capture Arrest گرفتار کرنا Release رہا کرنا
Perilous Arduous خطرناک Safe محفوظ
Venture Imperil خطرے میں ڈالنا Protect حفاظت کرنا
Rocky Pebbly پتھریلا Plain ہموار
Detect Catch بے نقاب کرنا Conceal چھپانا
Fury Wrath غصہ Delight خوشی
Clue Signal اشارہ کرنا Secrecy راز
Infuriate Enrage اشتعال دلانا Please خوش کرنا
Relieved Calmed پرسکون Upset پریشان

Vocabulary Words With Meaning, Synonyms And Antonyms PDF Download

Synonyms And Antonyms Vocabulary Words PDF Download

As we have discussed in detail vocabulary words with meanings, synonyms, and antonyms in the above article. Make your time valuable and get a PDF of English Synonyms And Antonyms Vocabulary Words wasting time by clicking on the link below. for more interesting.

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