English Grammar

What Are Auxiliary Verbs And Their Types Of Verbs? With Examples

We will discuss What Are Auxiliary Verbs And Their Types Of Verbs? An auxiliary verb is a verb that helps another verb express the action completely. Auxiliary verbs form the foundation of the tense system in most languages. In this blog, we will look at auxiliary verbs, how they are formed, and how they are used. We will also look at auxiliaries verbs examples for better understanding.

Types Of Auxiliary Verbs With Examples

Verbs are one of the most important parts of speech in the English language. They are used to show action or the state of being. The most common type of verbs is those that are used with auxiliary verbs. The verb is also called the main verb or principal verb. Auxiliary verbs are used as a support to the main verb. They are also known as helping verbs. They are used to add more meaning to the verb. These verbs do not have any meaning when they are used on their own. We can use more than one auxiliary verb with the same main verb. Most of the verbs can be used as auxiliary verbs.

What Are Auxiliary Verbs?


An auxiliary verb ( a helping verb ) is a verb used in forming the tenses, moods, and voices of another verb.


He is playing football. ( Progressive tense )

وہ فٹ بال کھیل رہا ہے۔

Wo football khail rha ha.

He has played football. (Perfect tense)

اس نے فٹ بال کھیلا ہے۔

Usne football khaila ha.

He was arrested by the police. ( Passive voice )

اسے پولیس نے گرفتار کر لیا۔

Usay police ne griftar kr lia ha.

An apple is eaten by Fahad. ( Passive voice )

ایک سیب فہد نے کھایا ہے۔

Aik saib fahd ne khaya ha.

Did you win? ( Interrogative mood )

کیا تم جیتے؟

Kia tm jeetay?

Do not forget your wallet. (Imperative mood )

اپنا بٹوہ مت بھولنا۔

Apna batwa mat bholna.

I am going to school. (am is a Helping verb)

میں اسکول جا رہا ہوں

Mn school ja rha hn.

I am a student. (am is the main verb)

میں ایک طالب علم ہوں۔

Mn aik talib ilm hn.

Types of Auxiliary Verbs

  • Primary Auxiliary Verb
  • Modal Auxiliary Verb

Primary Auxiliary Verb

Definition: be, do, and have been called primary auxiliary verbs.

Present/V1 Past/V2 Past Participle /V3
Be Is, am, are Was, were been
Do Do, does did done
Have Has, have Had Had


The function of the Primary Auxiliary Verb

  • They help to form tenses with a main verb.
  • They help with questions and negatives.
  • They give emphasis to sentences.

Forming tenses


Present simple

Subbe (present) – main verb (Ing)

I am eating an apple.

میں سیب کھارہا ہوں۔

Mn saib kha rha hn.

We are playing cricket.

ہم کرکٹ کھیل رہے ہیں۔

Hm cricket khail rhe hn.

You are writing a story.

تم کہانی لکھ رہے ہو۔

Tm khani likh rhe ho.

She is offering prayer.

وہ نماز پڑھ رہی ہے۔

Wo nimaz prh rhi ha.

Ali and Javad are going to school.

علی اور جاوید سکول جارہے ہیں۔

Ali or Javed school ja rhe hn.

Past simple

Sub – be (past) – main verb (ing)

I Was eating an apple.

میں سیب کھارہا تھا۔

Mn saib kha rha tha.

We were playing cricket.

ہم کرکٹ کھیل رہے تھے۔

Hm cricket khail rhe the.

You were writing a story.

تم کہانی لکھ رہے تھے۔

Tm khani likh rhe the.

She was offering prayer.

وہ نماز پڑھ رہی تھی۔

Ali and Javad were going to school.

علی اور جاوید سکول جارہے تھے۔

Ali or Javaid school ja rhe the.

Auxiliary Verb  Be Passive voice

Present simple

object – be (present) past participle – subject

I this book is liked by me. (passive voice)

یہ کتابیں میری طرف سے پسند کی گئیں ۔

Ye kitaben meri traf se psnd ki gai.

I like this book. ( active voice).

میں یہ کتاب پسند کرتا ہوں۔

Mn ye kitab psnd krta hn.

I am liked by Ali.  (Passive voice )

علی نے مجھے پسند کیا۔ن

Ali ne mjhe pasnd kia.

Ali likes me. ( active voice )

Past simple

object – be (past) past participle – subject

I this book was liked by me. (passive voice)

میں نے یہ کتاب پسند کی تھی۔

Mane ye kitab psnd ki thi.

I liked this book. (active voice)

میں نے یہ کتاب پسند کی۔

Mane ye kitab psnd ki.

I was liked by Ali. (Passive voice )

علی نے مجھے پسند کیا تھا۔

Ali ne mjhe psnd kia tha.

Ali liked me. ( active voice )

علی نے مجھے پسند کیا۔

Ali ne mjhe psnd kia.

What Are Auxiliary Verb And Its Types Of Verb With ExamplesAuxiliary Verb  Have – Forming tenses

Present simple

Subhave (present) –  past participle – object

I have eaten an apple.

میں سیب کھاچکا ہوں۔

Mn saib kha chuka hn.

We played cricket.

ہم نے کرکٹ کھیلی۔

Hm ne cricket khaili.

You have written a story.

آپ نے کہانی لکھی ہے۔

Apne khani likhi ha.

She has offered prayer.

اس نے نماز ادا کی۔

Usne nimaz ada ki.

Ali and Javad have gone to school.

علی اور جاوید سکول جاچکے ہیں۔

Ali or Javed school ja chuke hn.

Past simple

Subhave (past) –  past participle – object

I had eaten an apple.

میں نے ایک سیب کھایا تھا۔

Mane aik saib khaya tha.

We played cricket.

ہم کرکٹ کھیلتے تھے۔

Hm cricket khailte the.

You had written a story.

آپ نے ایک کہانی لکھی تھی۔

Apne aik khani likhi thi.

She had offered prayer.

وہ نماز پڑھ چکی تھی۔

Wo nimaz parh chuki thi.

Ali and Javad had gone to school.

علی اور جواد سکول جا چکے تھے۔

Ali or Javed school ja chuke the.

Auxiliary Verb  Do – Forms & Function

Present simple ( negative )

Subdo (present) – not –  base form – object

I do not eat an apple.

میں سیب نہیں کھاتا۔

Mn saib ni khata.

We do not play cricket.

ہم کرکٹ نہیں کھیلتے۔

Hm cricket ni khailte.

You do not write a story.

تم کہانی نہیں لکھتے۔

Tm khani ni likhte.

She does not offer prayer.

وہ نماز نہیں پڑھتی۔

Wo nimaz ni prhti.

Ali and Javad do not go to school.

علی اور جواد سکول نہیں جاتے۔

Ali or Javed school ni jate.

Past simple ( negatives )

Subdo (present) – not –  base form – object

I did not eat an apple.

میں نے ایک سیب نہیں کھایا۔

Mane aik saib ni khaya.

We did not play cricket.

ہم نے کرکٹ نہیں کھیلی۔

Hm ne cricket ni khaili.

You did not write a story.

آپ نے کہانی نہیں لکھی۔

Apne khani ni likhi.

She did not offer prayer.

اس نے نماز نہیں پڑھی۔

Usne nimaz ni parhi.

Ali and Javad did not go to school.

علی اور جواد سکول نہیں گئے۔

ali javad school ni ge.

Auxiliary Verb  Do – Forms & Function

Present simple ( questions )

do (present) – sub-base form – object

Do I eat an apple?

کیا میں ایک سیب کھاتا ہوں؟

do we play cricket?

کیا ہم کرکٹ کھیلتے ہیں؟

Do You write a story?

کیا آپ کہانی لکھتے ہیں؟

dose She offers prayer?

کیا وہ نماز پڑھتی ہے؟

do Ali and Javad go to school?

کیا علی اور جاوید سکول جاتے ہیں؟

Past simple ( questions )

do (present) – sub-base form – object

Did I eat an apple?

کیا میں نے ایک سیب کھایا؟

did we play cricket?

کیا ہم کرکٹ کھیلتے ہیں؟

Did You write a story?

کیا آپ نے کہانی لکھی ہے؟

did She offer prayer?

کیا اس نے نماز پڑھی؟

did Ali and Javad go to school?

کیا علی اور جواد سکول گئے تھے؟

Auxiliary Verb  Do – Forms & Function

Present simple ( emphasis )

sub –  do (present) base form – object

I like this book.

مجھے یہ کتاب پسند ہے۔

I do like this book.

مجھے یہ کتاب پسند ہے۔

We help you.

ہم آپ کی مدد کرتے ہیں۔

We do help you.

ہم آپ کی مدد کرتے ہیں۔

He plays cricket.

وہ کرکٹ کھیلتا ہے۔

He does play cricket.

وہ کرکٹ کھیلتا ہے۔

Fahad speaks English well.

فہد انگریزی اچھی بولتا ہے۔

Fahad does speak English well.

فہد انگریزی اچھی بولتا ہے۔

They go to the cinema every morning.

وہ ہر صبح سنیما جاتے ہیں۔

They do go to the cinema every morning.

وہ ہر صبح سنیما جاتے ہیں۔

Past simple ( emphasis )

sub –  do (present) base form – object

I liked this book.

مجھے یہ کتاب پسند آئی۔

I did like this book.

مجھے یہ کتاب پسند آئی۔

We helped you.

ہم نے آپ کی مدد کی۔

We did help you.

ہم نے آپ کی مدد کی۔

He played cricket.

وہ کرکٹ کھیلتا تھا۔

He did play cricket.

وہ کرکٹ کھیلتا تھا۔

Fahad spoke English well.

فہد انگریزی اچھی بولتا تھا۔

Fahad did speak English well.

فہد انگریزی اچھی بولتا تھا۔

They went to the cinema every morning.

وہ ہر صبح سنیما جاتے تھے۔

They did go to the cinema every morning.

وہ ہر صبح سنیما جاتے تھے۔

What Are Auxiliary Verb And Its Types Of Verb With Examples

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