English Grammar

Punctuation Marks and 12 Types of Punctuation Marks with Examples In Urdu/Hindi

What are Punctuation Marks In Urdu With Examples

Punctuation is a small yet important part of any language. If you don’t know the correct punctuation then you might end up writing some very funny sentences. Also, Punctuation Marks and 12 Types of Punctuation Marks play a vital role in writing. Without them, our sentences would be a jumbled mess. Punctuation marks are those symbols that help us understand where sentences begin and end. Sometimes, they also give us a sense of pause.

Definition of Punctuation Marks

Punctuation marks perform the function of stops, short and long pauses, stresses, and sudden and strong feelings; with the help of punctuation marks, the reader understands the sense and the meaning of the written work; without punctuation marks, it is difficult to understand written work.

All Types of Punctuation With definition and their Uses In English and Urdu

The following are the  types of Punctuation marks:

  • Full stop /period (.)
  • The comma (,)
  • Semi-colon (;)
  • Colon (:)
  • Question mark (?)
  • exclamatory mark (!)
  • Apostrophe (‘)
  • Dash (-)
  • The hyphen (-)
  • Slash (/)
  • stress mark (‘)
  • Parentheses ( )

Uses of Punctuation Marks In Urdu and English With Examples

Full Stop

Use of full stop /period at the end of assertive /declarative sentences.                


They play hockey.

وہ ہاکی کھیلتے ہیں۔

He is not a good boy.

وہ اچھا لڑکا نہیں ہے۔

You are a nice person.

تم اچھے شخص ہو۔

 Use of Full stop /period at the end of imperative sentences.                


Help the poor.

غریبوں کی مدد کرو۔

Be brave.

بہادر بنو۔

Don’t be a baby.

بچے مت بنو۔

The comma (,)

In some places, commas are necessary, and in some places, not necessary but in some places they are optional, use it or not.             


Ahmad , come here.

احمد  ، یہاں آؤ۔

Allah , show us the right path.

اللہ ، ہمیں سیدھا راستہ دکھائے۔

I met Ali , Asif , Ahmad and Sami.

میں علی، آصف، احمد اور سمیع سے ملا۔


 The semi-colon is defined as a weak full stop and a strong comma. A semi-colon indicates a longer pause than a comma does.             


He did not work hard; so he failed.

اس نے سخت محنت نہیں کی؛ اس لئیے وہ فیل ہوگیا۔

He is an intelligent person; he does not take interest in his work.

وہ ذہین شخص ہے ؛ وہ اپنے کام میں دلچسپی نہیں لیتا۔

Their rooms are dirty; their courtyard is clean.

ان کے کمرے گندے ہیں ؛ ان کا صحن صاف ہے۔


The colon indicates a strong break in a sentence and is used in writing to introduce an explanation /definition, an example, or a question of items.           


He said: All that glitters is not gold.

اس نے کہا: ہر چمکتی ہوئی چیز سونا نہیں ہوتی۔

All steel : 20 year guarantee.

سب  سٹیل کی :20 سال کی گارنٹی ہے۔

One of his saying is : do good , have good.

ان کا ایک قول ہے: اچھا کرو، اچھا کرو۔


The sign (‘), which comes over the lines ver the concerned letters, is used to indicate the plural and possessive forms of words and indicate missing letters and digits.        


He is Ilyas’s son.

وہ الیاس ‘کا بیٹاہے۔

This is Ali and Nadir’s house.

یہ علی اور نادر’ کا گھر ہے۔

He has taken his father’s bike.

اس نے اپنے والد ‘کی موٹر سائیکل لے لی ہے۔

Punctuation Marks and 12 Types of Punctuation Marks with Examples In Urdu/Hindi

Question mark(?)

It is used at the end of interrogative sentences and is called the question marks.          


Where are you going?

تم کہا ں جارہے ہو؟

Have you got the money?

کیا آپ کو پیسہ مل گیا ہے؟

Where is he from?

وہ کہاں سے ہے؟

The exclamation mark(!) In Urdu 

Definition: The sign which comes at the end of the sentences which expresses a sudden and strong feeling of anger, surprise, or joy, is called the exclamation mark.          


Alas! We lost the match.

افسوس! ہم میچ ہار گئے ہیں۔

May you live ling!

!جیو ہزاروں سال

May it rain today!

آج بارش ہوسکتی ہے!


Dashes are used informally instead of a colon, semi-colon, full stop, or commas to express a pause in the continuity of thought in a sentence or a shift of flow in a sentence.          


Mr. Bilal – who is a professor-is teaching us.

مسٹر بلال-جو پروفیسر ہے-ہمیں پڑھاتا ہے۔

He said-”come here”.

اس نے کہا-یہاں آؤ۔

He was singing – she was laughing at him.

وہ گا رہا تھا – وہ اس پر ہنس رہی تھی۔


A short line (-)  which is used to join or divide a word or two words is called a hyphen. It is also used to separate syllables.





سوتیلی ماں

Clean-shaven or clean-shaven.

کلین شیون یا کلین شیون۔

Slash (/)

This sign is used to separate the alternative words or terms in written English.


The term was 1972/73.

مدت 1972/73 تھی۔

School is off on Friday/Saturday.

سکول جمعہ/ہفتہ کو چھٹی ہے۔

Autumn is beautiful /summer.

خزاں خوبصورت/گرما ہے۔

Stress mark(‘)

This sign comes before but over the word which the writer wants the reader to read with stress/force.           


I ‘will go to my home.

میں ‘گھر جاؤں گا۔

I ‘do like him.

میں ‘اسے پسند کرتا ہوں۔

‘Do bring your pen.

‘اپنا پن  لاؤ۔

Parentheses ( )

The sign ( ), which is used to separate unnecessary things in a sentence is called parentheses.


He is the man (who/whom/that) I met yesterday.

یہ وہ آدمی ہے(کون/جو/کہ)جس میں کل ملا۔

He will come within twenty (20) minutes.

وہ بیس (20) منٹ میں آجائے گا۔

He is older than I (am).

وہ مجھ سے بڑا ہے۔

Punctuation Marks and 12 Types of Punctuation Marks with Examples In Urdu/Hindi

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